Women talking while holding iPad

Your community.
Your power.
Your network
for change.

Where women lead, change follows.

When philanthropy invests in women’s foundations and gender justice funders, we empower a deeply intersectional movement that fights for policies and standards across lines of race, class, and gender. WFN is the largest philanthropic alliance in the world dedicated to advancing the essential role of these funders in the unwavering fight for gender equality and justice.

What we do

Top Stories from WFN

To Fight Growing Militarism, Philanthropy Should Embrace a Feminist Playbook

We have had just days to grapple with the rapidly unfolding agenda of the Trump Administration, with drastic impacts on work for racial equity, gender justice, migrant rights, and humanitarian aid. As funders, many of us are thinking about how best to safeguard and advance all of this important work, whether by raising our voices, organizing to protect the most vulnerable, or deepening our advocacy for rights and justice.  

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Top Stories from WFN

For Feminist Philanthropy, a Time for Audacious Action

As we face the new year and new leadership in the U.S., I am reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s admonition that we must walk forward together “with an audacious faith in the future.”

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Top Stories from WFN

Call for Proposals: Feminist Funded ’25

We are excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals for Feminist Funded ’25, presented by the Women’s Funding Network. This year’s conference, the largest gathering of global leaders in feminist philanthropy, will take place September 10-11, with a Pre-Conference Policy Action Day on September 9. 

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Woman and child with pacifier

Top Stories from WFN

The Time is Now

Gender Equity leaders propose five things philanthropy can do right now to deepen their investment in the fight to protect abortion access and bodily autonomy. Join us and sign your name to the pledge now.

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Mackenzie Scott

Top Stories from WFN

WFN Receives Transformative Gift from MacKenzie Scott

Women’s Funding Network is humbled to be among the group of MacKenzie Scott’s “286 Teams Empowering Voices the World Needs to Hear.”

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To Fight Growing Militarism, Philanthropy Should Embrace a Feminist Playbook


For Feminist Philanthropy, a Time for Audacious Action


Call for Proposals: Feminist Funded ’25


The Time is Now

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WFN Receives Transformative Gift from MacKenzie Scott

Discover The Gender Point

A first of its kind initiative that enhances policy and funding priorities across the nation.

Created through a powerful partnership between WFN and the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, The Gender Point provides on-demand data reports to our member funds and foundations.

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Gender Point Tapestry Graphic

When women’s funds thrive, the quality of philanthropic investment grows, creating a cycle of robust gender-lens approaches and infrastructure with the critical mass to shift the oppressive power dynamics that keep harmful systems in place.

Woman with curly hair smiling

United we are
a movement.

WFN’s powerful alliance works together to develop strategies, mobilize resources, and raise awareness to combat systemic gender and racial inequality at the community level, forging a better quality of life for all.

Explore our areas of work

Through our network of more than 120 women’s funds and foundations, WFN provides gender justice leaders and advocates with a variety of tools to help them succeed — from research and education, to strategic-led initiatives and events, to advocacy and unifying a collective, amplified voice.

Learn more about what we do in our four key areas of work and how we apply feminist practices for movement building.

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