We are proud to partner with a number of corporations and institutions that are committed to creating a better world for marginalized genders. Together, we engage a global community of women leaders, connect to share ideas, and work collectively to spearhead new initiatives, events, and tools for change. We welcome funding and in-kind gifts from our partners. Please contact us to start a conversation about working together.


Alliance for Feminist Movements

Aspen Institute

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Borealis Philanthropy


Change Philanthropy

Clinton Global Initiative

Council on Foundations

Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

Ford Foundation

Foundation Center

Funders for LGBTQ Issues

Funders for Reproductive Equity

Groundswell Fund

Hispanics in Philanthropy

Institute for Women’s Policy Research

Ms. Foundation for Women

National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

National Women’s Law Center

Native Americans in Philanthropy
Neighborhood Funders Group

Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE)

She the People
The Global Goals

United Philanthropy Forum

United State of Women

W.K. Kellogg Foundation

Women Moving Millions