
Motherhood is a Political Act

Elizabeth Barajas-Roman headshot with text that reads "from the desk of Elizabeth Barajas-Roman"

Dear Colleagues,

This Mother’s Day, we celebrate all caretakers and those who support them. We also send love to those who experience Mother’s Day with grief for the children they’ve lost or were not able to have – or for the mother and mother-like people no longer with us.

We applaud the courage and strength of motherhood because, in all its forms, it is both deeply personal and private, and now more than ever, it’s political and collective.

Together, we shape the future through collective commitment to raising children who care about our vibrant marine and terrestrial ecosystems and who are dedicated to fairness and justice – including being able to examine the role their actions, and those of their ancestors, have played in systemic inequality. We can also use our voices and our votes to advocate for policies that support maternal health, paid parental leave, affordable childcare, education, indigenous rights and sovereignty, and climate justice.

Childrearing is not just a personal journey; it is a collective experience that connects us to future generations of caretakers, families, and communities. Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day by recognizing the political power of motherhood and committing to using it for positive change.

Thank you for all you do, and Happy Mother’s Day from WFN.

Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Women’s Funding Network 
President & CEO

Letters from Elizabeth