As we prepare to celebrate women’s history month in the U.S. we join you not just by honoring the past, but also by helping forge a future that’s created through women-led solutions across the globe.
We recognize the groundbreaking work of women’s and girls’ funds and the heightened importance of your efforts during an unprecedented and historic time. It’s hard to believe it’s been almost a year since mass quarantine orders were issued. Over 500,000 people have died. At every turn, women and people of color have borne the brunt of the pandemic’s burden. But you were there from day one.
Despite the challenges, you’ve not only recovered — but you’ve thrived. In fact, our most recent data indicates that women’s funds in our network increased their financial stability markers by double digits last year. This is an incredible accomplishment that demonstrates the trust and value your communities place on your work.

And we know you’re not done. Listening to local wisdom, you’ve seized the opportunity to develop bold ideas including 1) promoting raising the federal minimum wage, universal childcare, and paid sick leave to support essential workers and getting women back on track, 2) centering racial equity when investing in economic mobility strategies for marginalized genders and their children 3) championing gender-inclusive reproductive health — including the right to safe, stigma-free contraception, pregnancy, birth, and abortion care — as an essential service during COVID-19 and beyond, and 4) advocating for green energy programs that revive the economy and decrease the impacts of climate change on at-risk communities.
I am proud to continue to partner with you as we build back better. With deep humility for all the barrier-breakers, advocates, storytellers, scientists, and public servants who came before to blaze a trail — I salute and celebrate each of you every day, and especially in March.
Happy Women’s History Month 2021.
Yours for equity and justice,

Elizabeth Barajas-Román
Women’s Funding Network
President & CEO