
Now Available: 2012 Annual Report

Annual Report

In 2012, changing times and new leadership at Women’s Funding Network presented an important opportunity to reflect on the state of the women’s funding movement. The transition encouraged us to recommit to our purpose as a global Network and to our potential as a movement for change.

In strengthening our connection to more than 150 funds and foundations in over 25 countries, we:

  • Listened and learned with members in new ways, including the reinvention of our annual conference as an action-oriented Summit.
  • Invested deeply in our core work and key issues so that we could lift up ideas, practices, and impact throughout and beyond our Network. This led us to shift from supporting more than 20 initiatives on a broad level to working intensively on a handful of initiatives alongside members.
  • Strengthened our voice in the global community of social change leaders, including participating in dozens of events, media, and speaking opportunities throughout 2012.

Download the 2012 annual report for stories, financial information, and more.

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