
New Report: Partnership for Women’s Prosperity

Advancing women and girls’ economic security is more than a women’s issue—it is also a catalyst for family and community change.

Formed in 2011, the Partnership for Women’s Prosperity (PWP) is a national partnership of six leading women’s foundations and the Women’s Funding Network working together to unleash the economic power of all women — community by community. PWP supports the efforts of economically vulnerable women to gain financial and economic security through education, job training, and employment opportunities.

With the financial support of Walmart Foundation, leaders of participating women’s foundations, their grantee partners, and other key stakeholders have been working together to positively impact issues of economic security, wellbeing, and empowerment for women, their families, and their communities.

To date, the six participating women’s foundations have invested $13 million, impacting the lives of over 43,200 women in over 100 communities around the United States.

Read more about PWP’s theory of change and the impact these women’s foundations are having in the latest report.

Women’s Funding Network members participating in Partnership for Prosperity include:


As the convener of PWP, Women’s Funding Network will continue to share knowledge, strategies, and practices for replicating the work across our movement.

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